From the Union of Concerned Scientists:
From the air we breathe to the safety of our communities, government science plays a crucial role in our daily lives. After the recent presidential election, we face renewed concerns about the continued role of science in decisionmaking. Scientists and experts at the NIH, USDA, CDC, EPA, and other federal agencies have a critical role in informing policy, encouraging innovation, and providing vital information to the public.
We want to hear your story: how have federal scientists and their work impacted your life or community?
A compelling story includes a personal angle (how has this affected you or your family?), provides specifics rather than speaking in generalities, uses accessible language, and has one clear main point.
Your stories will help illustrate what we gain from—and what we’d lose without—federal agency research and funding.
The Union of Concerned Scientists may reach out to you about using your story on social media, with reporters, or in other venues in order to help advocate for protecting federal science that protects all of us.