What If Trump Wins?: An Interactive Adventure

We’re grateful and blown away that Daniel’s article on 10 ways to be prepared and grounded now that Trump has won has gone viral with over 1.3 million views. It’s a helpful piece to acknowledge different roles and ways of processing. Waging Nonviolence published some follow-up articles by nonviolent expert Maria Stephan on How we can meet the challenges of…

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Are the Democrats even defending immigrants anymore?

The People’s Tribune on Jan. 17 interviewed attorney Camilo Pérez-Bustillo to get his take on what is happening around immigration. He is former executive director of the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) and still an active member of the NLG, a member of the leadership group of Witness at…

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Labor for Higher Ed Coalition: “Colleges should propel opportunity for the working class”

The Labor for Higher Education vision for the future recognizes American higher education as a public good and bedrock of our democracy. However, the current crisis in higher education of declining public funding, ballooning student debt, and widespread job insecurity threatens that promise and jeopardizes learning and working conditions for millions of Americans. Colleges and…

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Trump Preparedness Hearings to Start in January

December 27, 2024 – With LGBTQ+ rights on the chopping block during the next term, Councilmember Rue Landau is seeking input from the community aimed at reinforcing Philadelphia’s laws to safeguard vulnerable groups. Introduced on Nov. 21, Landau’s resolution authorizes the Committee on Law and Government to hold hearings with the intent of strengthening Philadelphia’s…

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