Mar. 15: Caravan to Lancaster County to flip a Special Election

From: Indivisible HCAN – Haverford:

Road Trip to Lancaster County: Canvass for a PA State Senate Special Election!

When: Sat., March 15; leaving Haverford Township at 8:30 am – returning by 4 or 5 pm (or perhaps earlier).

H-CAN Local Gov’t Group member Mike Brenner is organizing a trip to canvass in eastern Lancaster County for the March 25 special election in PA Senate District 36, where Democrat James Malone hopes to turn this seat blue.

Lancaster County Dems welcome our help to canvass in the eastern part of the region (a little over an hour away), and can help provide transportation once volunteers arrive, if needed.

Please RSVP to Mike at [email protected] to let him know 1) if you’re interested in participating and 2) if you can serve as a driver. 

Other info:

See more opportunities to get involved with this PA Senate race and other special elections as we bring back our Electoral Volunteer Opportunity tracker (with big thanks to Indivisible member Peter Stokes!).

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